Long forms on topics that I find interesting:
- Solve the right problem
- Working in a Startup
- Bitter Sweet Acme
- Ctrl + a doesn't work in Bash Terminal on OS X Lion
- I serve this site from RAM
- Introducing EDI
- My thoughts on Go - completeness it provides through simplicity
- Python repr and str - the difference
- Focus on the what, not the how
- The pursuit of simplicity
- Unlock and Lock your Computer with a Mobile
- And God said Let there be text, and there was text
- Creating Abstract Base Class in Mongoengine
- Implementing tail's follow in Go
- The Web needs another Language
- To e-book or not
- My short bout with Emacs and why I chose to stick with Vim
- On Writing Pull Requests Well
- A few things to remember while coding in Python
- Configuring a Git Server
- Ditch Microservices for your next Startup
- Django Managers
- Go best practises
- Move to GitHub
- Python - Dangerous default value as argument
- The n-list productivity approach